Vipin Yadav - Cloud & DevOps Engineer

Vipin Yadav

Cloud & DevOps Engineer

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About Me

I'm Vipin, a Cloud & DevOps/Full Stack Engineer based in Ayodhya, India. My enthusiasm lies in constantly exploring and mastering new technologies. I'm deeply passionate about delving into the realms of cloud services and machine learning, driven by an insatiable curiosity. Python programming and its associated domains captivate me, while my dedication to web development, particularly within the Django framework, remains unwavering. Curious about my projects? Take a scroll below!

Latest Projects

StoreFront API

StoreFront API

It is an fully functional e-commerce store api which provide all user management functionality and a typical online store functionality like showing products, adding to cart , ordering , views orders, and admin permissions for management. API frontend is created using Swagger UI, Redoc UI.

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Movie Database API

Movie Database API

It is a Movie Database API created using Django Rest Framework. The DataSet is an Random data scrapped from IMDB which contains 2000 movies, 4 StreamingPlatform, 1000 Actors, 100 Users, and 1500 Random Reviews. API frontend is created using Swagger UI, Redoc UI.

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Online Compiler

Online Compiler

It is an online code compiler created using flask. User can select any of the given language, write the code, can give custom inputs. The system is designed to handle multiple requests simultaneously. The system is decoupled using redis and queuing system. When user submit the code, the code and the module executing the code is queued and returns the id. The result is polled using the id, if it job is completed it returns the result otherwise returns the status.

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Selfcode is an updated platform to learn coding which offers several tutorials like python, C language, java tutorial, CPP tutorial, Data structure and Algorithm based questions which are fully updated with optimal solutions and company ready.

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TRAVELOGUEiT is a simple place sharing web application created using mern stack( mongodb , expressjs, reactjs and nodejs) and token based authentication and authorization. Users can share plcaces they have travelled.

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Corona case counter

A daily updated and a dynamic website created on account of COVID-19 PANDEMIC(2020) which assists in acknowledging the daily positive cases of corona patients to the website viewers. This website analyses and fetches the data ordered by both district and states.

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